Repairing pool repair

Here is what we have to do when your pool guy uses the wrong product to adhere pool tile.   

So nice again

We had a pool in kitty Hawk that was leaking and no one could figure it out.  They called us and after pressure testing and diveing the pool we found three spots losing water.  We patched them but we’re still losing water.  Finally I started knocking on tile and found a hollow spot.  Scraped off… Read more »

Different renters

Got to love being in corolla on the outer banks in September. The weathers great, the pools cool off, and the type of tenets using the pool change.

Pool Heater Sale!

You know you want one. You know your renters want one. But can you afford it? Now you can! We will give you a free estimate and $100 off a Pool Heater in the month of September. If your house is a vacation rental property, you will find that you will get more bookings in… Read more »

September in the OBX

The kids are back in school! That means the local’s favorite time of the year is here! Less traffic and shorter lines to wait in! Don’t let it fool you, there are still plenty of fun things to do in the Outer Banks.  September offers more events to go to without the kids in tow…. Read more »

Can’t say I didn’t warn ya

Here on the Outer Banks, especially Corolla. We get tons of kids slathered in sunscreen in our pools and spas. What this does to our filters is stop’em dead. There for the pool and spa water does not filter or get chlorinated and WBD’s are born.(water born disses) that being said most folks just simply… Read more »

Over due

We suggest to change the media in your sand filter every 5 years. Other wise this is what will be filtering the water you swim in.